A biological hazard, commonly known as a biohazard, is a biological material that presents a threat to other living organisms which would include us humans. It’s important to recognize a biohazard and take the appropriate precautions if there’s potential and/or exposure. Generally speaking, biohazards are the results of viruses, bacteria, toxins, fungi, blood, human waste, spores, mold, industrial chemicals, insects, animals and rodents. You can come into contact with a biohazard from these common carriers of biohazards.
We are constantly exposed to biological hazards in our everyday life. With the onset of the COVID virus, many have increased their knowledge base regarding biological hazards. The most important aspect was to refrain from exposure to the hazard, take precautionary measures and keep a robust immune system. With respect to the COVID virus, or any other biological hazard, ensure the precautionary measures are adequate for the threat. For example, virus’s are very small and can easily pass through most face coverings. Do not enter into a false sense of security, do your homework thoroughly to promote a healthy environment for you and your family.