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Chemicals Are Hazardous

You may have an array of chemical products in your home stored under a sink, in a cupboard, a garage or simply scattered throughout your home. It’s important to note that each product has a specific function. For example, a detergent has chemical properties that are for cleaning purposes while a drain cleaner has chemical properties to unclog drains. Therefore, it’s imperative to use the chemical properly for its intended purpose based on the manufacturers recommendations. In other words, you would never use a drain cleaner to clean clothes, you would use a detergent. 

If a chemical product is not used properly, there could be a chemical reaction that could effect personal health and/or property. For example, if an acidic drain cleaner is used to clean a marble floor there could be a chemical reaction causing off-gassing. The gas can severely injure your lungs, eyes and skin. The floor could also be badly damaged. So, always read the label on the chemical product. The label will also provide some other important information such as, this product may cause sever burns, and the label gives proper directions on how to use the product.

Reading and understanding the label cannot be stressed enough to provide the safety of everyone in your household. Should you need more information beyond the label, you can review the Safety Data Sheet (SDS). The SDS provides greater detail than the label. To find the SDS, you can do a “Google” search or contact the manufacturer directly and request the SDS. If you have specific questions, feel free to contact us at Home Health Hazards.